Tag Archives: young professional style

Stylin’ It Up at Work

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English professors have a pretty bad reputation for being on the opposite end of the style spectrum. I’ll never forget taking one of my best friends to a conference and her first comment being, “I’ve never seen so many clogs in one place.”

Joke’s on her because mules are in now 😜

But seriously, she wasn’t wrong. I try really hard to combat the frumpy, “out-there” English professor stereotype, and I think a lot of students are often surprised when I walk in on the first day (one student recently admitted that when I walked up to the podium on the first day of class she was thinking, “who is this girl who thinks she’s about to lead the class?” I love it and dread the day that people stop mistaking me for a student).

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Leopard Hits the Spot

Leopard never seems to go out of style. But this year, if you’ve been scrolling through Instagram or even making your way through different clothing sites online, you can see that leopard is EVERYWHERE. And I don’t mind a bit! Continue reading

Banjanan Jumpsuit – RTR

I know this post doesn’t go with the season, but it’s still in the 90s in our part of North Carolina (get it together, October!). Plus, this Banjanan Blue Dandelion Rose Jumpsuit was one of my favorite outfits from Rent the Runway! The main reason it’s one of my favorites is because it basically felt like I was wearing pajamas all day. Who can complain about that? Continue reading