Monthly Archives: January 2020

Review: fresh Lotus Youth Preserve

Recently, I’ve been trying to take better care of my skin. Even since high school I’ve had a routine for daily cleaning, but since I’m now in my mid-30s, I’ve realized how important it is to take care of your skin at night as well as early on in our lives. I was so excited when Influenster confirmed that I’d be receiving a Voxbox with fresh brand beauty products! If you’re not sure what Influenster or a Voxbox is, I explained it all in this post.

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Golden Goose Dupes and Alternatives

If you follow Influencers and bloggers on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed a lot of them wearing the same sneakers with stars on the side that, to be honest, look like they’ve been worn and that most people would be horrified to wear because they look so grungy. These sneakers are by Golden Goose. And fun fact…they range from $480 to $600.

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